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Felicia Soleil’s Family Law Resolutions

Reducing and resolving conflict for 25 years. By

Felicia Soleil’s Family Law Resolutions

Throughout her career as a family law attorney and mediator in Gig Harbor, Felicia Soleil has focused on creating constructive alternatives to litigation for separating and divorcing couples. Her firm, Family Law Resolutions, was founded on the philosophy that respectful negotiations help you reach durable agreements without going to court. If you want to engage in a solution-oriented transition for yourself and your family and avoid expensive court battles, Felicia provides a positive environment to reach solid, workable, beneficial agreements. By focusing on reducing and resolving conflict, you can transition by moving on, not just moving out.

Divorce Mediation

Mediation is ideal for separating or divorcing couples who want a less adversarial way to transition out of their marriage. Felicia’s role as a neutral divorce mediator allows you to work together to resolve issues related to property and debt distribution, parenting plans, child support and spousal maintenance.

Although Felicia provides you a structured, step-by-step path to overall resolution, the mediation process is less formal, less overwhelming and always less costly than litigation. Moreover, mediation with Felicia is confidential and provides a supportive forum for legal education, conflict coaching and guidance when you are striving to move forward, yet don’t know what to do next.

Collaborative Divorce

If one party hires Felicia to be their legal advocate, rather than a neutral mediator, she will often invite the other party to retain their own collaboratively trained attorney and engage in what is called a collaborative divorce. Similar to mediation, this process emphasizes cooperation instead of an endless airing of grievances, encouraging couples to build on areas of mutual agreement. However, the collaborative divorce process differs from mediation in that each party retains their own attorney. Collaborative divorce is ideal for couples who have difficulty communicating, have a low level of trust between them and prefer having independent legal representation.

Revising Support Orders & Parenting Plans

There are certain milestones following divorce that require revision of support orders or parenting plans, or creation of agreements with new partners. You or your co-parent may experience a life event, such as a change of job requiring relocation, a child heading off to college or remarriage. The benefits of mediation and collaborative law are available to anyone seeking a non-adversarial way to address issues that arise by a change in circumstance long after the marriage has ended.

How do you know if a non-adversarial approach is right for you? Felicia suggests you ask yourself the following:

• If my divorce was done well, how do I want to feel at the end?

• How do I want my children to experience the creation of two homes?

• What is the best use of our funds for professional services?

• Am I able to consider the long-term, rather than only focusing on the “now” when emotions are highest?

Divorce will always remain a significant life transition. The way you handle the ending of your marriage will influence the rest of your life. If you’ve reached a decision about separation or divorce, Felicia will help you achieve a resolution that fosters both a compassionate ending to your union and a healthy new beginning for you and your family, focusing on what you care about most.

Felicia Soleil can be reached at 253.853.6940. All consultations are strictly confidential.

Family Law Resolutions

7191 Wagner Way NW, Suite 303

Gig Harbor, Washington 98335



Located in Gig Harbor, Washington

Mailing Address: 141 N. Palmetto Ave #267, Eagle, ID 83616

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