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A Community Coming Together

Gig Harbor strong. By Jillian Chandler

A Community Coming Together

Life continues on here in Gig Harbor as we learn ways to manage our new “normal.” Many of us find ourselves trying to work from home while also realizing our new roles as teacher, tackling the challenges of remote learning head on. We’re adjusting to living somewhat in isolation, surrounding ourselves with only those whom we live with, in order to do our part to keep ourselves, families, friends and members of our community safe.

And as busy as we all are during this challenging time, or for those looking to fill their unexpected “free” time, there are many in our community who are dedicated to do what they can to help keep Gig Harbor strong—and healthy.

From stores adjusting their hours to make it safer for the older folks in our community to shop for their essential needs, sack lunches being made and delivered, free of charge, to children and families in need, to everyday people contributing their time and talents to make masks for our health-care workers and those most vulnerable in the community, it’s a beautiful thing to witness. Even though the community is encouraged to stay apart, men and women, teenagers and children alike, continue to come together and unite, though not in a way any of us would have ever expected.

This soon will pass, and before we know it, our lives will carry on as they once did. We will be back to our daily routines and out enjoying the community, its businesses and people. I am sure we can all agree that we will all have a newfound appreciation for the wonderful lives we’ve created and know, if we didn’t already, and how blessed we all are.

Thank you, Gig Harbor, for making this a wonderful place to live, work and play.


Located in Gig Harbor, Washington

Mailing Address: 141 N. Palmetto Ave #267, Eagle, ID 83616

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