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5th Annual Rattle Dem Bones

5th Annual Rattle Dem Bones Gig Harbor

October 27

5th Annual Rattle Dem Bones

Rattle Dem Bones is a bike ride and costume contest in which proceeds go toward the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation’s (GGHF) Community Recreation Fund. So, grab your friends, your significant other, or round up the family and get out to enjoy the crisp autumn air and lots of fun! Join GGHF at the fifth annual bike ride on Sunday, October 27, at Kimball Drive Park & Ride, for the family oriented, Halloween-themed bike rides. Gals, guys, witches, werewolves, monsters and goblins are all welcome! The challenge rides begin at 8 am, casual/family ride at 10 am, with the post-ride party from noon to 1 pm. Register online today by visiting

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